The history of managed IT services

Featured Image for Social Engineering Attacks to Watch Out for

2nd November 2022

Computers have been used within offices since the 1930s, yet these machines came with limited capabilities. In the early 1980s, personal computers were considered “intelligent terminals” and were capable of running several applications at a time. While they proved useful, these computers still had restricted functionalities.

During the second half of the ’80s and early ’90s, we saw a surge in the capabilities of computers. During the new age of information, many businesses began to use technology to improve productivity and begin switching tasks to be completed online, such as admin work.


The dominant model for IT services was originally the “Break / Fix.” method. A business would have them, and then when something went wrong, they’d call up an IT team to come to fix it. This meant when errors did occur excess time would be spent between the problem occurring and it being solved because companies would be taking more time to find a provider to fix it. In the world of business where time is money, this leads to many companies losing out.

As technology continued to develop, it became evident companies would require improved knowledge of IT. Still, it didn’t appear beneficial – especially in small businesses – to have their own full-time IT expert. So managed IT services were born.

In managed IT services, companies create a contract with an outside team of IT experts to monitor their technology and fix any issues that arise as soon as possible. This means that companies no longer have to worry about crashing systems or other complex technological defaults

Modern Day

Today, the majority of business is done online, from emailing colleagues to websites showcasing your company. With the development of the Cloud, computing companies can now access levels of data storage and online collaboration that would have been unthinkable just ten years ago.

But of course, the growth in technology has also come with its downsides such as hackers, fraudsters and system failures. With 70% of cyber attacks being aimed specifically at small businesses, chances are many of you will have previously experienced a form of attack. With outsourced managed IT services, however, we can keep an eye out for these attacks and stop them from happening before they even pose a risk as we are aware of what to look out for.

This is why many prefer to have an outsourced IT service that can take sole responsibility and focus on all your tech needs allowing you, as a business owner, to invest all your time and energy into your company.

Why choose MTS?

MTS works hard for your company and its technological needs so that you, as a business owner can get on with what really matters. From security features to protect your systems to installations and updates our team will carry out, we take all the responsibility off your shoulders, so you can relax knowing our skilled workforce are more than capable to help and support you.

We also run a free support helpline, so you will always have the option to call us up and speak to our friendly call staff if you have any questions or concerns regarding your technology.

We as a managed IT service care for your business and will work in unison with you to achieve maximum security and help your company flourish, so if you have any questions about how we could help you, call up today.

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