4 Reasons Why A 24 Hour IT Service Desk Matters to Your Business

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18th January 2023

Every business owner expects reliable support from their service providers. This is especially important where IT is concerned since nowadays a large number of business operations rely on the cloud.

It’s clear that having IT support is a must, but the question is how comprehensive it should be. You may have heard about 24 Hour IT service desks and may be wondering if this option is right for you.

First of all, it helps to understand what exactly is involved in 24 hour IT service desk support. Essentially, this service ensures you get out-of-hours assistance with all technical issues you may experience. With this service, you can contact support specialists or raise tickets anytime.

Some of the problems that 24/7 support can help you fix include data recovery, hardware failures, virus and malware attacks, and server or connectivity issues. This alone gets your business covered, but the benefits don’t end there.

The Benefits Of Having A 24-Hour IT Service Desk

Increased Security

Cyber security is a major concern today given the huge amount of sensitive data that circulates online. This is the one area where youll want to get immediate assistance if a problem comes up.

Disaster Recovery

If the worst happens, you want to make sure that your business recovers quickly, and data loss is minimised or prevented altogether. Theres no guarantee that problems will happen between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m., so having a dedicated support team ready to respond to problems outside of hours is a huge plus.

Keeps The Business Open To International Clients

Having an online business presence means your potential customer base is global. But at the same time, this comes with an added responsibility, which is making sure that your website is always available to customers across different time zones. In this scenario, it makes sense to get 24/7 support, since technical issues can appear anytime.

Better Reputation

If you have an IT problem that affects your customers, this could harm your business’s reputation. Imagine customers can’t access your e-commerce site or if malware has taken down your website. Having round-the-clock support ensures you get a prompt solution no matter when the problem arises. In turn, this can help build trust in your company.

What Next?

These are some of the many benefits involved in getting the support of a 24 Hour IT service desk. If your team doesn’t have the capabilities to do this, why not consider outsourcing it to ensure you’re always covered? AT MTS, round-the-clock IT support is one of our core services, so please get in touch today to find out more, or for a free quote.

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